Whose fault was the divorce?

Divorce. Whose fault was it? How to fight for your marriage TODAY!

If you are divorced (and you blame yourself), what has happened is in the past. When possible make things right as far as you can. Then move forward more grateful for the sacrifice of Jesus for you on the cross.

This post is primarily for people whose marriage is on the rocks and for those who may face marriage storms in the future (all married people 😘)

Divorce is a big deal for Christians because marriage is a sacred covenant established by God, meant to reflect Christ’s relationship with the Church (Ephesians 5:31-32). Jesus taught that God’s design is for marriage to be lifelong and that divorce, except in cases of sexual immorality, goes against His will (Matthew 19:6, 9). The Bible also warns that divorce can lead to broken families, emotional pain, and spiritual consequences (Malachi 2:16). While God offers grace and healing to those who have experienced divorce, Christians take it seriously because it impacts not just individuals but the witness of the Church and society as a whole. The goal is reconciliation (when possible) and faithfulness, mirroring God’s commitment to His people.


Only 1? We couldn’t be more thankful.


Maybe we should “judge?”