“I didn’t choose to engage secular culture. Secular culture chose to engage me.”

Adapted from a conversation I had earlier.

**I invite all to read

**Pastor’s please read to the end.

There’s a saying the youths use today:

“I didn’t choose the thug life. The thug life chose me.”

I feel the same way: “I didn’t choose to engage secular culture. Secular culture chose to engage me.”

One day I’ll have to tell you more about the absolute insanity we faced 2.5 years ago as a church when several staff went hard to the left theologically and walked out on us.

It killed me. I loved them. Still do.

But out of those ashes a fire kindled to preach God’s word with courage, boldness, intellectual honesty *and* compassion from a broken heart.

God used it. He is *using* it.

Now we are seeing exponential salvations, baptisms, Bible study attendance etc. etc.

Who would have guessed preaching the Bible to what people are actually dealing with, could change lives?

**This is so key pastors: if you read the Book of Acts, the epistles, or any other part of the Bible and you think to yourself, “Well that was too bold.”

No, pastor. That’s not too bold. You’ve become too weak.

And I get it because I battle that weakness every day too.


Just me and my girl studying God together.
