former Huntsville City Council member does not like my Facebook posts.

A former Huntsville City Council member does not like my Facebook posts. When I shared what the Bible said on sexuality she became angry. When I shared stories about our church she would chime in with more anger and more personal attacks. It’s been going on for awhile. It is persistent.

Last night she made a series of accusations on why and what I post about on Facebook.

I replied.

Before I get into the reply, let me say this: I think highly of her. I respect her service to this city. And she too is made in the image of God. We may not agree on much, but I would gladly shake her hand the next time I see her. I will continue to pray God’s blessing on her each time the Lord brings her name to mind.

**I want to share my response with you for a really important reason: many of us have tons of contacts on social media that could be impacted for Jesus—today.

**But criticism from a small handful of angry people makes us reluctant to do so.**

**Friends, don’t ever be ashamed of what God is doing in your life. His cause is too great. The time is too short. People are too important to God to be silenced on sharing Jesus using every avenue possible—including social media.

— — —

My reply (clarified a few things for context, fixed typos, and concealed her identity):

“One note on using fb as a platform. Jesus’s final words before returning to the Father were go make disciples of all nations. I take that commission seriously—as anyone serious about Jesus should.

I will use all means necessary—preaching, social media, in-person conversations, my life, my death, everything—to help people become disciples of Jesus.

Whatever it takes. I spend a portion of my day on what I refer to as Digital Discipleship. Each weekend I’m blessed to be able to preach to 500-600 people. Each day I get to share something about Jesus to an average of 10k (daily) via Facebook. *I have access to my fb analytics. I’ll post in the comment so you can see I’m not making that up.

And yes, when you (as you often do) start making personal attacks on me, on my posts, the amount of people I can reach skyrockets.

“But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this, I rejoice.” — Philippians 1:18

By God’s grace may my motives always be pure in God’s eyes—even if my motives are not pure in your eyes.”

— — —

Friends, don’t let an online mob (more likely, just 1-3 trolls) keep you from sharing what God is doing. Be bold with the message of Jesus from the place of a broken heart for those separated from God.

If people who love Jesus are silent, Evil rejoices.

P.S. Here are the Facebook analytics. I don’t care too much about the numbers. I care about people flourishing through Jesus. That said, I don’t want anyone to claim I’m exaggerating above. 😇


The phrase about God “visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation”


One way the Bible *almost always* gives me goose bumps