Critiques of the Church Today

It started with the above pic

Deep dive on what those specific critiques may be (see Part 1 post first for context).

Please debate, add, or challenge any of the following:

**If you engage in the comments: remember 'Thick skin. Soft heart.'**

Critiques I’m nearly certain Jesus would give us right now, and a few I wonder about:

+Near certain critiques headed our way (Tim's opinion):

-truth deniers (people who just flat out refuse to believe the parts of the Bible they find offensive)

-widespread porn, adultery etc within churches

-churches that have seen less than 1% of their attendance baptized in last 12 months. Those churches are already dead they just may not know it yet.

-widespread gossip and belittling of fellow brothers and sisters

-wasting our lives. Way too much gaming, scrolling, shows and way too little serving, praying, worshipping, telling people about the hope we have in Jesus

-Boldness without a heart, or heart without boldness. Very few people balanced like Jesus who spoke the truth with love. Today people speak the truth with love. Or they love without the truth. Both of these latter examples are (or very near) spiritual abuse.

+ 'Maybe' critiques headed our way

-how selfish most of us are. “I want a church that will do… for me” or as a pastor: “I can’t believe they asked that… of me….” To be fair I hear people talking about this problem more than I have actually witnessed this problem. Most people are reasonable and doing their best.

-we may be in love with money more than we like to admit (still a maybe for me. Most pastors and people I know struggle financially). Love of money temps both the rich and the poor.

-do we idolize comfort? Like, beyond the desire, but we sacrifice good things for our demand of comfort.

-weak work ethic of Christians on one hand and working too hard because of insecurities on the other hand

What would you add or challenge? Comment below


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