One way the Bible *almost always* gives me goose bumps
One way the Bible *almost always* gives me goose bumps:
1. Pick a scripture that moves you. For instance: “At the command of the LORD they camped, and at the command of the LORD they set out.” Numbers 9:23
2. Replace the pronouns with your name. 🤯 For instance: “At the command of the LORD Tim camped, and at the command of the LORD Tim set out.”
3. Replace the pronouns with the name of the local church you’re part of. 🤯🤯 For instance: “At the command of the LORD Essential Church camped, and at the command of the LORD Essential Church set out.”
The words of God are like cut diamonds. Doing the above has helped me to examine the different facets of those God-cut diamonds we call Scriptures.
Additional examples to try right now: scriptures about forgiveness, the Lord’s Prayer, Psalm 23.
Your turn! Which Scripture are you trying this on? Type it out with your name below so that we can all be encouraged with you.