My Approach to Engaging Culture & Social Media Strategy

Goal: Help people find and follow Jesus in today’s world.

I don’t want to passively wait for people to come to a church building—I want to lovingly come to them with an encouragement from God’s Word.

Some people dismiss social media as a place to have tough conversations. I strongly disagree. The current and next generation are on social media a ton. If Jesus followers remains silent, the world will gladly disciple them. The ideologies of this world are spoken loudly online, yet many believers hesitate to share biblical truth in that space. If we don’t, the next generation will only hear one voice.

That’s why my social media presence is built on these principles (don’t get me wrong, I’ll continue to sprinkle in plenty of family photos, life updates, and of course, memes 😂):

1️⃣ **If Christians stay silent, the world will gladly disciple the next generation.** Culture is always teaching. The question is: If the world is pushing its ideologies and Jesus followers aren’t, what is the likely outcome for the next generation?

2️⃣ **I’m moving towards being 100% graceful and 100% truthful—at all times.** My goal is to reflect both, in every post and every response. I’m far from perfect at this, but this is the target I’m moving towards.

3️⃣ **Anyone and everyone is invited to follow Jesus.** Even in tough conversations, I want people to know that Jesus invites them in.

4️⃣ **I’m not here to change minds, but to help people trying to make up their mind.** My focus isn’t changing the minds of those who’ve already rejected God’s truth. I’m here to help those who are genuinely seeking answers.

5️⃣ **I think in terms of Ones, Twos, and Threes**

Ones: People who are all in with Jesus and want guidance on how to follow Him in today’s world. The book of Proverbs calls these people “wise.”

Twos: People who don’t know what they believe but are open to learning. The book of Proverbs calls these people “the simple or fools.” They are good people, they just haven’t been taught (or weren’t listening when they were taught 😘).

Threes: People who have already decided they don’t care about what God has revealed through the Bible. The book of Proverbs calls these people “evil.” At some point they made a conscious decision to reject God.

My calling in this season is to invest in Ones and Twos—to equip, encourage, and point people to Christ.

The world is already speaking. It’s time for believers in Jesus to boldly, courageously, and with tons of compassion, speak the loving truth.

If that resonates with you, I ask you to join me. You can join me by living according to the above goal and principles. Even if joining me isn’t what God is leading you to do, I ask you pray alongside me.

Much love to you all.

“Moment by moment with our eyes on Jesus!”


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