Is The Church today, the Israel described in the Bible?

For instance, if you’ve placed your faith in Jesus, are you actually the true sons and daughters of Jacob—thus are Christian’s today the true Israel?

Here’s a brief summary: The Bible presents a complex relationship between Israel and the Church. Based on key passages:

1. The Church does not replace Israel – Romans 11:1-2, 25-26 makes it clear that God has not rejected Israel. Paul describes Israel (descendents of the man Jacob) as having a future role in God’s plan.

2. The Church is grafted into the promises given to Israel – Romans 11:17-24 speaks of Gentile believers being grafted into the olive tree, meaning they share in the blessings given to Israel but do not replace them.

3. Believers in Christ (Jews and Gentiles) are one spiritual family – Galatians 3:28-29 states that all who belong to Christ are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise.

4. There is still a distinction between Israel and the Church in God’s plan – Ephesians 2:14-16 speaks of Jews and Gentiles being made one new humanity in Christ, but this does not dissolve Israel’s identity.


-The Church coexists with Israel and is included in the blessings of the covenant by faith.

-The Church does not replace Israel.

-The Church is spiritually connected to Israel through Christ but does not erase national Israel’s identity.

So, to answer the opening question—No.

Anything I’m missing, or any Scriptures I’m leaving out in exploring the relationship between The Church and Israel? I’m still a work in progress on the relationship between these two groups.


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